3 Clear Signs That It Is Time To Hire A Child Support Lawyer

Even though hiring a lawyer is not a statutory requirement, it is the best decision you could ever make when you have a pending case in court. Hiring a lawyer boosts your chances of winning the case, and seeing that they are experienced in handling similar circumstances, they know what needs to be done. 

Unfortunately, some people still prefer representing themselves which is not always fruitful. Things can escalate in court, hindering your reasoning and decision-making process. If you are going through a divorce and need to decide who gets to stay with the children, you should let a child custody lawyer take up the case. Here are signs it's time to hire one.

Your Ex-Spouse Is Working With a Lawyer

If your ex-partner has chosen to be represented by a lawyer, it would be wise for you to hire one as well. Otherwise, you risk going up against a professional who is well versed in the child custody field. When things get complicated, you might not know how to handle the situation, but a lawyer can maneuver the situation without getting carried away by their emotions. So, if your ex has a lawyer, hire one too to level the playing field.

A Lot About the Case Has Changed

There is no telling what direction your case will take. Sometimes it can take a drastic u-turn, leaving you confused about your next step, and a strategic move should be hiring a lawyer to get you through the hurdles. Unexpected changes include anything from a remarried ex-partner, a non-cooperating ex-spouse, or a parent who breaks the initial agreement. An experienced child support lawyer will know what to do when such things happen.

The Judge Has Asked You to Go for Classes or Treatment

As already established, your child custody case can be rocky. At some point, emotions will heighten, causing you to lose your cool, and while this is understandable, you might not be able to handle your rage so well. In such a case, the judge may decide that you take anger management classes or parenting classes, depending on the court's findings. Unfortunately, this puts you at a disadvantage and hurts your chances of custody. On the other hand, a lawyer will take up your case and prove to the court that you are willing to cooperate and have improved to handle the custody of your kids.

A child custody case can be too complex to handle without the help of a good lawyer. The child custody attorney will explain the applicable laws to you and provide solutions to help achieve your interests.
