How Long Does Divorce Mediation Take? Factors To Consider

Many couples opt to use mediation as a method to divorce. Mediation is meant to make the process easier and faster for the divorcing couple. Although more simplified, there are some family dynamic issues that can make your mediation longer than others. The following are some factors that can impact the timing of your divorce mediation:

You Have Children

When you have children, the divorce process becomes more complex. When you are dealing with custody and child support, the bulk of your mediation can be taken up by just this one issue. Negotiating how you will share and support your children after your divorce can be emotional and complex, so do not rush through this part of your mediation. Expect it to take some time to ensure your children's best interests are met.

You Have a High Net Worth

If you and your spouse have a high net worth, your mediation may take longer as you sort through your assets. If you own a lot of property or have large liquid accounts or investments, going through them to divide the assets is time-consuming. The more money and assets you have, the longer the process of going through them will take.

You Settled Parts of Your Divorce Outside Mediation

The dynamic of your relationship can have a major impact on the timing of your mediation. If you and your spouse can take care of some of the more minor issues outside of mediation, you will save time during the process. For example, if you can agree on one spouse taking possession of the family boat in exchange for the other keeping a nice art collection, you simply need to make that agreement known in your mediation. You can then spend your time working on more complicated negotiations during mediation.

Your Personality Traits and Marital History

In some cases, mediation can be held up simply due to personality traits. If your divorce is ugly and there is a lot of animosity between you, one may be less willing to negotiate and compromise on certain issues during mediation. In other cases, couples who are more amicable have a better chance of working through issues through good communication and a willingness to get through the process as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Mediation can be a great way to get through a divorce with ease, but the process is not always as quick as you might think. If you are interested in mediation for your divorce, speak to a divorce attorney for more information.
